Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Swedish Cat fight

I woke up from the sound of screaming cats this morning. I don't know if they where fighting about some territorial area, or if they are lovers. It got me thinking of Russia.

Natasha has told me Russian woman don't have money/time to buy healthy food or to go to the gym.
In Sweden we are obsessed by health since the 80s.
Articles about diets is what make the magazines sell.
On TV there are numerous shows about the best way of exercise.
 Despite of all this the Swedish population are getting bigger.
The numbers of people committing suicide are on the top of the world ranking.

Sweden is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We  have all the possibilities to stay healthy physical and mental.
One of the major problem is that we concern the most about our own wellness.
 Individualism is high valued and to depend on others is nothing to strive for.
In the 80s I stayed long periods in Eastberlin, DDR.
 In year 2000 I was surprised about how the Cubans was so similar to the eastgermans.
If you grow up under hard circumstances your personality develop better than in a country of milk and honey.

I have travelled in more than 40 countries and lived in Los Angeles and Berlin for many years.
An overweight women in Sweden/ Europe is not an ideal. In other countries you are "hot stuff".
I think this knowledge has given me a good self esteem. I am good as I am. But I will live longer and easier as thin.

To be a person that cares for  and support others can increase your well being.
What goes around comes around.
It's fantastic to have a new sister in Petrozavodsk and a lot of sisters and brothers in Sweden and around the world supporting us in the ButterflyBattle.

Sister, it’s very important you wrote. I have seen a lot of unhappy woman in Russia which locked at home course a big weight do them very shy and non-confident. They are sitting and eating whole the day. Day after day. Till the end. And it’s so sad picture. I try to involve women different weight, size and ages in my idea: do sport no matter how you look, be active and smiling wherever you live. And my group “100 kilos of beauty” is very optimistic community. You can not live alone. Human is a social animal, which needs to support other members of tribe. My tribe will help all woman and man overweight who need our help.

Очень важную вещь пишет Эва Мария - о шведском индивидуализме. В Швеции один из самых высоких уровней жизни в мире и в то же время один из самых высоких показателей по самоубийствам. Каждый живет хорошо, но в своем мире. И это опасный путь. Если ты не вовлекаешь в свои проекты других, ты не изменишь общество, как бы богато оно ни было.
А я отвечаю ей, что идеология моей группы "100 кг красоты" именно в том, чтобы вовлечь в спорт и активный образ жизни девочек любого возраста и веса. В России кроме того, что здоровое питание очень дорого и недоступно многим простым людям, есть еще и предубеждение против толстых людей. Индустрия фитнеса от клубов до обычной одежды заточена на худеньких. Да и осуждающие взгляды и насмешки приводят к тому, что девочки вообще боятся выйти из дома. Остается только сидеть на диване и пожирать еду огромными порциями. Поэтому моя задача вдохновить толстушек и толстяков на делание хоть чего-то. присоединяйтесь. Это важно быть вместе. Это важно зажигать друг друга.

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