Wednesday, April 1, 2015

27 kilo weight loss without following a diet

In 2014 I lost 27 kilo thanks to my sons.
-Mamma, sign this contract please.
My oldest, the 23-year-old personal trainer at SATS Sweden was insisting.
The deal for me and his younger brother was no fast food, no sweets, no pastry, no snacks, no sodas, nothing with a great of sugar was allowed in one year.
The penalty for breaking the contract: 5000 Swedish kronor.
-Mum, you gonna ask yourself is this tempttation worth it? Are you willing to pay 5000 to eat that cheeseburger, chocolate bar or cheese doodles...
-In case you eat something by mistake, you have to admit and report to me within 48 hours, that will add 1000 kronor to the 5000 but you are still in. But after two mistakes you own me 7000! And if you eat forbidden things behind my back you are out. There is a payment plan if you need it, he added with a generous smile.

At New Years  Eve 2013 we signed the contract in blood:

Yes, at one point I happned to eat a frozen pizza by mistake, reminded of this by my younger son and did report to the elder.
But one year later we all had managed the challenge. You don't let your children down is the easiest answer how I managed. I had many comment during the year: but he's not here. He doesn't know. I won't tell. But none of those snakes in paradise could fool me.

The loss of 27 kilo was obvious to my Russian oponent Natasha when we met en of march at our annual Barents Press Seminar in Oulu.  At the last Barents Press Meeting in Kirkenes  she stated  woman always wish to loose weight but it never happens.
That is true. I don't know how many kilos I have lost during the last 30 years. Hundreds? And gained back again...
I hope the butterfly battle on long distant with Natasha in Petrosawodsk, Russia and me in Luleå, Sweden will help us both to reach our goals: a overweight free life. Free like butterfly!


  1. Very impressive and inspiring story, sister

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's cool and a healthy competition.. literally! :) In the end, it's win-win situation when you are able to follow that strict diet.. I mean, very strict diet.
