Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 7 on LCD: starting to be a habit

I did the first week on low calorie diet. I had a lot of time to reflect over food. What a joy it gives to eat together. How hard it is for me not to over eat.
Weight loss since yesterday:0,4. All together 5,7 kg since last saturday when weight in. I started the diet last tuesday!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Day 6 on LCD: feeling good

Today was a good day! I had a lot of energy and no side effects of the diet. Trying to drink more water. 2,5 liter a day is the recommendation. Not to easy!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Day 5 on LCD: bile duct trouble

Low calories diets can cause problem with the gall bladder, create rocks and in my case, smasms in the bile duct. I had it for a coupleof days,more or less. Today it was increasing. Therefore I had 100 grams of shrimps and the pain vanished.
The weight loss has been fantastic, since last saturday and after only four days on the LCD-shakes I have lost 5,4 kilos, 1,3 since yesterday!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Day 4 on LCD: many temptations

Friday night, and the worst days of the start of this low calorie diet is over, I guess...
I have been to a Chinese All-you-can-eat-restaurant with my son and watched him eating.
It's hard trying not to think at food all the time as a compulsive over eater. I am so used to it.
But in one way this will give me some mental rest. It's also great not to have to shop, cook and do the dishes. I have shakes for at least a month. I have noticed a gain of energy and have been moving around a little bit more. My son and I went to see Us tonight. Scary!
Today's golden outfit was great success at work. So also the weight loss, -1,4 kilo!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Day 3 on LCD: nauseated

So happy day three is over! Today I have not felt so good. Hungry and nauseated. I watched Shanti and Annis eat dounuts and Shanti had a pizza.When people ask me how long I will continue on the low calorie diet I can't answer. Three month? One month? Time will tell!
Weightloss: 1,2 kg this morning 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 2 on LCD: hungry with headache

I started get hungry at 7.30 AM. I use to take my first LCD shake at 10, but today I couldn't wait.
I have felt hunger on and off the whole day. The smell of garlic bread and pizza out in the street hasn't made it easier. But I did stick to my plan. I know from former experience of low calorie diet, the first days are worst. It will be better soon!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day 1 on LCD: I survived!

 Take a good look at my face! Within a month the chin will be reduced.Weight reduction usually starts being visible in my face. From the look of today's picture you can see I'm quite satisfied. The first days on low calorie diet can be hard. Hunger, headache, dizziness, cravings. I had non. Everything went on smooth. Despite of the last meal yesterday that actually ended up in the dust bin after a bites. I couldn't eat the cheez Doodles. I felt to motivated and had my mind set on this challenge.
On the bus to the hospital I had this angle guarding over me. I made a visit at the stroke rehab fully aware of that without major life style changes I will end up there my self as a patient.
I made the first step today in another direction. I feel proud and content!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Last meal before escaping "death row"

My friend Johan called tonight to pick me up.
-What are you doing, he asked.
-I'm eating a pizza.
-How good is that when you will go on the low calorie diet tomorrow?
He was puzzled. Called in to help me pick up the huge box of  LCD drink mix I ordered arriving to the supermarket this morning.
Even more stunned got Johan when I declared I needed some Cheez Doodles for my last night before dieting.
-It's like you´re on death row, he said associating to my last meal.
I froze in the middle of the snack section. That is indeed my death row. Overweight and unhealthy food will lead to my dead.
Tomorrow will be day one in one of many attempts to diet.