Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Ninja Diet: Having a happy Mothers Day 2015. My boys are safe, many others are not.

 Birth order: Number 2: Joshua, 3: Shanti and 1: Elisha.
The most important persons in my life; Joshua, Shanti and Elisha.
I've been their mother in 21, 16 and 23 years.
I have cared for them, loved them, worried about them, been proud of them, supported them, been angry at them  and laughed a at lot together with them. I can't imagine a life without them.
When I became a mother I understood the true meaning of life.
Early I decided that Los Angeles isn't a safe place to grow up in. I moved back to little Luleå.
I had the possibility.

Today on the Swedish Mothers Day I can't stop thinking of mother all over the world with no other choice than sending their kids out on a dangerous journey to safer countries. Walking in deserts, riding under trucks, crossing the Mediterranean in overloaded boats.
The most precious a mother have, escaping war and poverty for months, sometimes years.
I can't imagine their despair not knowing where their children are, how they are or if they are alive.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Ninja Diet: Mothering 28 boys

Sunday the 31st of May it's mothers day in Sweden.
 I am the mother of three fantastic sons and can now proudly add the mothering/care giving for another 25.
My dream for the past seven years has been to work in an accommodation for unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Sweden. Since I was a teenager I have had a great interest in human rights.
Finally I was given the chance to have this important mission for three weeks this summer.
One dream is fulfilled, but I have others as well! Please keep your fingers crossed for me and other job opportunities!
Wednesday I had an introduction and Friday to Saturday I worked my first shift.
I hope you can oversee the fact of no new posts from me here in the blog for the last days.

In the picture above it looks like I am on vacation by the see Aldersjön in the neighbour town Boden, but in fact I just got off my shift of 26 hours!
Happy and ready to jump on the bus for 35 km and finally bike home from the city of Luleå.

My scale showed I had lost weight! No wonder as the building has four floors. I've had a lot of free exercise.

The picture above is taken by a journalist college Anna Munkhammar with her own blog
She was in the city of Boden promoting the nice Swedish GB Glass (ice cream) which I have to live without this summer as well. I grow up with it. Summer is ice cream for me, but nothing can stop me in the Butterfly Battle! Natasha in Petrozavodsk is my great inspiration! She is doing a fantastic job! Check out here posts here!

BBC#15. Lunch box is my hero

I am bringing a food in my bag everywhere and every day. Because I am always hungry. During two month. If I didn’t eat on time starvation is accumulate and I feel a big black hole inside me near the night. That’s why I have different stuff in my bag: boiled eggs, carrots, chicken, rice… My colleagues laugh at me because I always suggest eating and taking out my magic box even in the midst of negotiations. No matter what people say and think about – I have a meal plan. It’s my business, my own way, my goals. I am not shy about it.
Anyway 2 months almost gone. 6 kilos almost gone. I had been trying a lot of ways of changing myself. Some of them are working. Some doesn’t work.  10 months of Butterfly Battle are forward. I have much time and many kinds of correct myself and my life.
Very worry about Eva Marie who hide in Swedish forest and didn’t write about her Ninja life for 2 days. Where are you, my quiet buddy?

My points:
Bike. Yes. Sunny biking in Petro
Beauty. Eyebrow correction, epilation, mask.
Cleaning. I threw shoes, broken rollers and troll from social networks
Коробочка с едой – мой герой
Я ношу с собой еду в сумке ежедневно и везде. Потому что голодная постоянно. В течение двух месяцев. Если не поем вовремя, голод накапливается, и к ночи я чувствую внутри себя огромную черную дыру. Вот почему я ношу в своей сумке весь этот набор: вареные яйца, морковь, курицу, рис…Мои коллеги смеются надо мной, потому что я всегда достаю свою волшебную коробочку предлагаю поесть. Даже посреди важных переговоров.  Не волнует, кто что скажет и подумает. У меня есть план питания. Есть мое маленькое дело, мой личный путь, мои цели. И я не парюсь.
Как бы то ни было, два месяца почти что пролетели. 6 килограммов почти что растаяли. Я перепробовала много путей изменения себя. Кое-что работает, кое-что – нет. 10 месяцев Битвы Бабочек впереди. У меня есть в  запасе время, и есть много способов подправить себя в пути. И выровнять мою жизнь, слегка искривленную.
Очень переживаю по поводу своей шведки, которая прячется где-то в шведском лесу и не пишет в свой Нинзя дневник уже два дня. Где ты, моя молчаливая подруга?
Мои пункты:
Велосипед. В такую погоду даже бабушки обязаны кататься. Солнечно и велосипедно в Петрозаводске.
Красота. Выщипать брови – тоже работа. Эпиляция – борьба с ленью, маска – в ожидании вечернего чуда.
Чистка. Пошли прочь старые ботинки, дочкины сломанные ролики и один тролль из контакта.

Friday, May 29, 2015

BBC#14. Morning calm

I love morning. I love silence. I love peaceful lake and early birds under water. Today we went to our embankment and took a pic for my Eva Marie. It's very importent for me have a quiet morning time. I hope you have the same, my hardwork sister from Luleo.
My three
1. Bike. Yeap
2. Beauty. No. Just sporty style
3. Clearning. Plenty of...
Я люблю утро. Люблю тишину. Спокойное озеро и птиц над водой. Сегодня мы ходили утром на набережную и сделали фоточку для нашей Эвы Марии. Для меня спокойствие утром очень важно. Надеюсь, моя шведская трудяга имеет несколько приятных утренних часов для мира и покоя.
Моя тройка.
1. Велосипед. Да.
2. красота. Нет. Чмошка на велосипеде типа в спортивном стиле.
3. Выкидон. Полно!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

BBC#13. 250 kilos of beauty

When we have a lot of job, we take a crazy video. Like that. About famouse joke about speaking scales. Why 2 girls? One girl go out from the scales.
Me 3.
1. Bike. Yes. Yes. Even though the rain, storm and lightning.
2. Beauty. No
3. Cleaning. Yes. Take off all my old fashion style dresses.

250 килограммов красоты
Когда мы по уши в работе, для релакса мы записываем всякие дурацкие видео, как это. Инсценируем известную шутку про русскую спортсменку и говорящие весы: почему сразу две девушки, одна сойдите. Срочно сойдите.
Мои три:
1. Велосипед. Да. Да, даже под дождем, молнией и грозой.
2. Красота. Не-а
3. Чистка. Да, выкидываю всякое статье. И людей по одному тоже пропалываю.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

BBC#12. New boy

Dear all. Sorry for long silence. I am still in the Samurai Way. I well had done all my promises and keep going. For 3 days that I am absent in the blog I had many projects and issues. Cleaning and painting a new place for culture events Agriculture_club, poetry festival, which we organized monthly, and so on, and so on. I envied my Eva Marie who was on the Buddhist festival and dreamed about emptiness. I am full of everything and need to clean all of me (inside and out).
But I keep my goals. Bicycle every day, beauty almost every day, cleaning often (be honest, Natasha, not every day).
But sport every day, diet every day, lose weight every day, gram by gram. Glad to see on my scales.
Today I trained a boy in my sport group. Denis I wrote about came from Saint-Petersburg to have my personal training course. It’s first case when person change a place especially for my sport lessons.
Bye the way I have no TV-set too. My daughter has. And we watched Eurovision together. I am pretty like the Swedish song and dislike our song. I think it was boring. But it is not relate to politic and I agree with my sister: mustn’t mix music and political situation.
My points:
Bike. Regularly
Beauty. Yes. Constantly
Cleaning. Every time I am looking for extra stuff in the apartment. My friends are joke that soon I will stay in an empty apartment with cats and a computer.

Новый мальчик

Дорогие все. Простите за долгое молчание. Я все еще на Самурайском пути, я все еще держу все свои обещания. За три дня отсутствия у меня было столько проектов и дел, что ни в сказке, ни пером…Уборка и покраска нового места для культурной жизни, наш любимый Agriculture_club, поэтический ежемесячный фестиваль «Мой поэт» и так далее и так далее…
Я завидовала Эве Марии, которая все выходные была на буддийском фестивале и мечтала о пустоте. Я переполнена всем подряд и нуждаюсь во внутренней и внешней чистке. Но я держу свои цели. Велосипед каждый день, красота почти каждый день, чистка и уборка (будь честна перед самой собой, Наташа, не каждый же день). Но спорт каждый день. Диета каждый день, весь падает грамм за граммом. Мне приятно смотреть на весы.
Сегодня у меня на тренировке в девичей группе был мальчик. Денис, про которого я уже писала, приехал специально пройти мой спортивный недельный курс из самого Санкт-Петербурга. Это первый случай в моей истории, когда человек даже переезжает в Петрозаводск, чтобы попасть на мои занятия.
Кстати, у меня тоже нет телевизора. Есть у  моей дочери. И мы вместе смотрели Евровидение. Мне очень понравилась шведская песня и не понравилась русская, она показалась мне очень скучной. Но это никак не относится к политике. И я согласна со своей шведской сестрой: не надо путать музыку и политическую ситуацию в мире.
Мои цели:
Велосипед. Да, постоянно.
Красота. Ага. Даже волосы покрасила вчера на ночь

Чистка. Стараюсь искать по квартире все новые и новые вещи на выкинуть. Друзья шутят, что очень скоро я окажусь в пустой квартире с двумя котами и компьютером.

The Ninja Diet: One victory for Sweden...

A teenager asked me yesterday if I had seen the European song contest.
-When? I asked.
-Saturday night, she answered.
She was puzzled. 3.4 millions Swedes watched the contest.
-Well I was in the temple and there was no TV.
Actually I have no TV at home either. Yes I have one but I have no access to the network.
I quit watching TV when I broke up from a three year long relationship, one and a half year ago.
It was a relief. In many ways...
We spend a lot of time watching TV together. I prefer to live life.
I have never been a great TV-fan. I love documentaries. Today I see them on my computer. I still pay the fee supporting radio/TV in Sweden of course!
In this Butterfly Battle it's an advantage not being a coach potato.

I was sad reading about people protesting loudly when the Russian song got points.
We had a government for eight years in Sweden I couldn't support.  I was not the political system...
When will people learn the different about politics and people?

Anyway, Sweden won the music battle this time. The Swedish and Russian Butterflies are still fighting overweight. Natasha has a good flow. I am standing still (at least regarding this issue!)
But just wait...

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Ninja Diet: In the temple..

Me and the abbot Bui Van Tam

Chua Phat Quang tempel, Gothenburg

I woke up to late this morning. One hour later as wished. While running around trying to catch up I recalled the sound of chanting monks. No wonder. This weekend I woke up 5.45 by  this bell and the chant of a Vietnamese nun hitting on it with a large stick. It lasted until 6 am when the ceremony started.
 In the front of great hall of the beautiful decorated temple outside Gothenburg, Sweden, the Abbot Bui Van Tam started a long mantra. All monks where chanting together for 45 minutes. They also played on wooden instruments, bells and drums.  All in front of three gigantic Buddha statues carved in wood (from the same tree!)
Here is Phramaha Boonthin from the Wat Buddarama, Thai temple also visiting Gothenburg!

It was a relaxing weekend at the temple in company with Buddhist from all over Sweden.
We had our yearly gathering, a seminar on how to preserve the nature and nice vegetarian meals with tofu prepared by volunteers of the temple. We slept on madrases in a beautiful room full of flowers and a little Boddhi three (the one under which Buddha got enlightenment).
The view from the window was great:
My bedroom view

I went out to have Jonna take a picture of me with the laughing Buddha:

I enjoyed my weekend a lot and spend time out door in the lush green nature of Gothenburg.
I got time to contemplate, have deep conversation with my travel companion Jonna from Luleå, the photographer of most of the pictures here, relax, learn a  lot of new things. I gained some more power for the Butterfly Battle. A very busy week is in front of me. I will follow Jonna's advice and not forget to breath!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

BBC#11. City for happy life

Yesterday we took part in street festival “Cult of Parks”. Great open air event which organized by yangers from Petrozavodsk. With ideas, without budget, with authorities supporting, without drunk and noisy people amount. Family stations, dance, poetry, graffiti with writers portraits, installations, happenings, pallets instead sits. Very democratic place. I am glad to prepare a poetry zone and paint my own bag with my own poetry for auction for homeless animal’s donations.
I love my small city. My short poem about – there are many cities for glamorous and fashion style, there are a lot of smart and intellectual place for living. And this one is my small Petrozavodsk for happy life.
My three
1.       Just look for it. Didn’t have time for biking
2.       Beauty. No. Even didn’t brash my hair
3.       Clean. Yes. Preparing The Big and Deep Cleaning tonight

Город для счастливой жизни
Вчера с коллегой приняли участие в уличном фестивале «Культ Паркоv». Прекрасный опенэйр, организованный петрозаводской молодежью. Без денег, но с идеями, с поддержкой власти и без всяких пьяных и орущих людей. Семейные станции, танец, поэзия, граффити с лицами известных писателей, инсталляции, хэппенинги, палеты вместо стульев. Очень демократично все прошло. Я рада была вместе с моей подругой Сашей Суховой приготовить поэтическую зону и раскрасить сумку для благотворительного аукциона в пользу бездомных животных. Я написала маленькое стихотворение о нашем городе.
Я люблю свой маленький город. Мое стихотворение можете прочитать на сумке.
Мои три пункта
1. Велосипед. Только грустно посмотрела на него в коридоре. Не было времени
2. красота. Не-а. Даже не расчесывалась вчера.
3. Чистка. Да, подготовила большой личный субботник на сегодняшний вечер. Позже отчитаюсь.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

BBC#10. Change hundreds

My intermediate goal is achieved. Look at my weight machine. I like that I see. I lost in past 2 kilos. Now I should go ahead with new goals. Let it be 90 kilos on my Birthday – 20-Th of July.
I wish a good sunny day to all my readers. My points today are sport lesson of main and take part in Park festival.
My 3.
Bike. Yes. Good weather in Petrozavodsk – time to constant biking.
Beauty. Yes. Different domestic spa (scrub, mask, clean my skin)
Clean. Hart work with my head with fascination and frustration. I promise to myself not wait a miracle to be a realist.
Смена сотни
Моя промежуточная цель достигнута. Посмотрите на весы. Мне нравится то, что я вижу. Я оставила в прошлом еще 2 кг. И надо двигать дальше, ставить новые цели. Пусть это будет 90 кг в мой день рождения 20 июля. Желаю хорошего дня всем моим читателям. Мои сегодняшние планы – провести занятие и принять участие в фестивале парков.
Мои три
Велосипед. Да. В Петрозаводске солнечно, самое время кататься.
Красота. Домашнее спа рулит, всякие скрабы и маски помогают собирать лицо к выходу в свет.
Чистка. Работала с головой. Все думала, как бы так больше не очаровывать, чтобы не разочаровываться. Нелепо в 43 года ждать чуда вместо того, чтобы быть реалисткой.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Ninja Diet: Retreat

See you next week. I am on a Buddhist retreat/meeting this weekend.

BBC#9. Three loud YES!

I had met a lot of people 2 last days. I had had a deal and conversations. Too much blub-blub, many emotions. Interesting persons, capt. Dmitriev, for example, leader of Polar Odyssey Club. Good boy. Bad I. didn’t my program.
My friend form Saint-Petersburg who promised to change of his live escape from a line last week. He broke a plan and very upset about it. I talk to him don’t worry and try again. He was sad 2 days and came back on the track. Me too. I missed one day of BikeBeautyClean program. And came back. I went to my cinema office by bike. I took part on All-Russian action
 I made an audit of my contacts and deleted some unnecessary persons from my memory. And beauty? Yes I did. Hair mask, scrub, bath with aroma oil – it’s enough for one day.
It is need to have three no in each point that say next day three loud YES!

Три громких Да!

Я встречалась за последние два дня с тучей людей. Столько разговоров. Столько болтовни, столько эмоций. Интересные персонажи – капитан Дмитриев, например, руководитель клуба «Полярный Одиссей». Хороший парень. Плохая я. Провалила программу.
Мой питерский друг, обещавший стать на путь истинный, сошел с дистанции на прошлой неделе. Он забросил план питания, похудения, чтения и был расстроен и обессилен от самоедства. Он два дня понудил. А потом снова вернулся. Я тоже. Пропустила один день: не каталась, не красилась и ничем себя не ублажала, не делала уборку, просто жила. Но я вернулась. Я поучаствовала во всероссийской акции «На работу на велосипеде», зарегистрировалась в ней и сделала это. Да я всегда летом катаюсь до работы и обратно именно на байке.
Сделала инвентаризацию контактов и выкинула нахрен лишних людей, раздражающих меня даже на уровне записной книжки.
Красота? Ну да. Маска для волос, которую оставила мне подруга Наташка Соловьева, оказалась просто шикарной для моих сухих рыжих кудряшек. И еще арома-ванна и скраб – достаточно для одного дня.
Видимо надо сказать себе три раза – нет, чтобы потом сказать троекратное звонкое Да!

The Ninja Diet: Flower power

I love flowers!
They give me power, energy and happiness!
Once in a while I attend a class by master florist Örjan here in Luleå.
It's pure mindfulness to create with flowers. To arrange and decorate requires focus.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

BBC#8. Ball girl

My authoring - new training with tree branch ball.

BBC#7. I am in

I am here, I am on the track. I did all my points yestarday. My photo is proof. After hard day I was biking through the night city with my favorit music for an hour. Met good boys. Steel alive. Steel in. To be continues...

Я в теме. Я в седле. я сделала все правильно вчера по всем моим трем пунктам. И фоточка как доказательство. После трудного дня каталась час по ночному городу с плейером в ушах. Встретила хороших чуваков. Все еще жива. Все еще в деле.

The Ninja Diet: In my genes...

Joshua 2011 fastest student in Luleå 2011

I am a proud mother of three successful sons. Elisha, the PT at SATS Haninge, a Martial Art champion, Shanti, the innovator, artist and musician and Joshua in the picture above. Not only a great basketball player. He runs 10 km in 34 minutes. In this picture he's interviewed by Norrbottens Kuriren, the local paper after a victory.
I put the two oldest son in different activities when they where 3 years old. They started baby swim when they were only a couple of months. The result is obvious.

Sport is a lifestyle for them. I am more like my younger son, interested in culture.
I don't burn many calories watching a good movie or reading a great book.
A TV-documentary I saw yesterday was showing that exercise at the gym doesn't burn as much energy as you can believe. Of course it makes you fit and good looking.
I am getting on my bike now, for the 10 km ride. Tired and without motivation.
I can't imagine running the distance. For me it takes 35 minutes on the bike...
As me and my son are carrying the same genes I know my talent is hiding somewhere deep inside me! Please come out soon!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Ninja Diet: 3,2,1 FOX(Y) LADY!

This is my mother Eva last summer in the lake. She's 88 and I wish I live as long with a sparkling charisma
My co blog writer Natasha in Petrozavodsk tells me not to have my mood destroyed by bad weather...
Yesterday in Vidsel, 100 km south-west of Luleå it was snow mixed rain and +3 C the 19 of may.
I had a busy day. Out of the house at 6.30 am back 9 pm.
Together with my personal (movie) director Niclas I was visiting the Vidsel test range.
 As a Buddhist I can't support that kind of activity, but as a journalist it's always a positive experience to get behind the curtains of a controversial business. I didn't support the fighting in Belfast either still I went to Shankill Road in the 80's. Not talking about my dislike for dictatorship of East Germany where I spend many summers.

Well, this study trip arranged for students at the University of Luleå, where I attend some classes in psychology, got me awaken.
At the museum  veterans working at the range in the 50's were guiding.
We had a close look at the BQM-167i Ariel Target System, driver less drone, in this case used for testing new weapons. I think one of the Russian ones was passing our border in the south last year on another mission...
We also got to see the operation room. It must be a dream for all players of computer games to have a job like this. But you also have to suppress the thoughts of how much damage all this weapons makes in wars all over the world to be able to cope with your job, I guess.

A  lot of high tech are involved in the proceeding of advanced weapon tests.The test range is  a huge part of northern Sweden.
There are a lot of critics about this in Sweden questioning how a neutral country can invite other nations for testing. The Swedish government has to approve all applications and there is a lot of money involved.

The count down to fire on "fox". I wish I could find a fast formula for this weight loss project, the Butterfly Battle where all the extra kilos vanished in a second. The weight has reached a plateau and I feel impatient. My whole body is aching from yesterday. I am moving around much more than earlier. Just wishing the sun, heat and summer will arrive for more out door activities. Warm weather usually makes me less hungry. I also long for swimming in the lake by my mothers summer cottage!
This year I will know what all the Saab JAS 39 Gripen passing over our heads on their ride from the Swedish airforce are doing in Vidsel. They make a terrible noise and fly real low as the base is close by. It will not be less as Sweden will re arm...
Peace, please!
The next three very busy weeks i have decided to focus on meditation, motion and meals: the three M's like in Marie!

View from the summer house

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

BBC#6. Green is bring

It’s green and sunny day in Petrozavodsk. Time for biking and salading. And a new project. We launched the project “Country blogger”. We want to find new forces of journalism and blogging in Karelia. Very proud and love this project. Put in a lot of soul and heart.

 My life is hurtling at all speeds even have no time for reflection. But it so full and complete life.

I bought a lot of green vegetables - zucchini, cabbage, parsley. And didn't waste time – was biking all day. My photo is a greeting to my friend Eva Marie from Main Street of Petrozavodsk. A building behind me – is a Nordic Hotel (Severnaja) – very soviet house and very rare. When my sister will come to me we both will be young and strong and will take a photo the same.

My three points
Bike. Yes. Long and pleasant cycling
Beauty. laminar mask. Good local product from White Sea.
Cleaning. Kicked upstairs one old-old bra. Kicked upstairs one old-old bro.

                                                           Oldschool mask, but very eco 

Сегодня в Петрозаводске зелено и солнечно. Время велосипедить и салатить. И делать новые проекты. Мы запустили конкурс «Сельский блогер». Хотим найти новые силы среди журналистов и блогеров на селе. Очень любим и гордимся этим проектом.  Вложили в него много души и сердца.
Моя жизнь мчит на всех скоростях. Даже нет времени на рефлексию. Зато она наполнена смыслом и полна приключений.

Я купила много зелени – кабачки, капусту, петрушку. И не теряла времени зря – каталась весь день. Мое фото сделано специально для моей шведской подруги Эвы Марии на главной улице Петрозаводска. Строение позади меня – это отель «Северная», очень советский, но тем и знаменитый. Когда моя сестра приедет ко мне, мы обе будем молодые и худые, мы сделаем фоточку точно в этом месте.

Мои три пункта.
Велосипед. Да. Долгая и радостная езда
Красота. Ламинарная маска из Белого моря, очень помогает не быть «сморщенной женщиной», русские поймут
Чистота. Выкинула старый лифчик. И старого поклонника.


I've got flow!
So much good things are happening I had no time to write today!
See you tomorrow!

I feel the same, sister.
Good news from you. Very glad to hear about flow. I am in the bike flow.

Monday, May 18, 2015

BBC#6. Humor rules

When somebody asks me what I am doing on my training I answer: laughing. On each lesson. Every time. It is our style of sport. I love my girls. They are so opened and easy smiling, kind and warm. We do sport 5days a week. We are almost a family. Today we made these photos special for Eva Maria. Sister, don’t be a serious with your sport plan (doing it or not doing). We didn’t take it like a big sport. It is just good company and good spending our time. Find something like this and do the same. I wish you to meet your sport team.
Humor helps me with a hard life in Russia. Humor helps me to relate to my reality light and easy. I try to find good things even in bad things. Like my cat who make a pedicure even with broken leg.

My 3.
Bike. No. Sorry. I was very busy and tired after all.
Beauty. Made some domestic SPA. Used a coffee as a scrub, mixed it with body cream. My skin became a baby’s soft.
Clean. Throwing my junk one by one. From my living place (old cloths, big ugly pullover, for example) and from my mind. Stopped talking bad words about one girl which miffed me. Let she live her own life. Calm and peaceably.

Юмор рулит

Когда кто-нибудь спрашивает меня, чем я занимаюсь на своих занятиях, я всегда отвечаю – да ржу. На каждом уроке. Все время. Это наш вид спорта. Я люблю моих девочек из группы толстушек. Они легкие в общении, открытые ко всему новому, улыбчивые, добрые, домашние. Мы занимаемся пять дней в неделю. Мы почти семья. Сегодня мы сделали эти фотки для Эвы Марии. Сестра, не будь серьезной со своим спортом (которым ты занимаешься или нет). Мы наши занятия не воспринимаем как большой спорт. Мы просто хорошая компания, вместе проводящая хорошо время. Сестра, найди себе что-нибудь похожее и делай с ними это же. Я желаю тебе найти свою спортивную команду.

Наши олимпийские кольца

Юмор помогает мне жить в России. Юмор помогает мне легче относиться к жизни и видеть хорошее даже в плохом. Как мой кот, который делает педикюр даже со сломанной ногой.

Мои три.
Велосипед. Не. Простите. Была занята, потом устала в финале. Ну, не смогла я, не смогла.
Красота. Использовала кофе, смешанный с кремом в качестве скраба. После использования кожа стала, как у младенца.
Чистка. Выкидываю одну за одной старые вещи, уродливый свитер, а также почистила голову. Перестала говорить о девушке, которая обидела меня. Просто остановилась в нужный момент, когда меня спросили о ней. Промолчала вместо того, чтобы сто пятый раз начать высказывать свою обиду. Молодец я. Пусть она живет  своей жизнью. Мирно и спокойно.

The Ninja Diet #21: It takes three weeks to change a habit...Or...?

"Check her out: this Swede eats the strongest food at the buffét"
21 days on the Ninja Diet, created by my son Elisha, PT at SATS Haninge, Stockholm.
There are many myths about how long time it take to change a habit. One common is 21 days.
In fact there are no answer. It's individual.
For me it's good to have a meal plan to stay on track. I don't have to make so many choices.
Some days have been hard. A lot of craving. Even though I have been eating too much it's nothing compared to the overeating earlier. I feel very terminated and strong. I am going to make this no matter how long it takes. I have gained so much energy eating good, well balanced food for three weeks. Cooking has been pure pleasure. My middle son also has lost 5 kilos. Elishas meal plan works!

Sunday was a nice day celebrating Vesak, "Buddha day" in company with more than 100 Thai people in Luleå. The food was fantastic! A festival of tastes. Not optimal food plan for me, but...

Rexflecting over the 21 past days I am happy with the outcome: more meditation, energy giving food,
a life changing goal is reached, I waited years for this to happen, started biking, have been keeping my inspiration by reading about health and good food.

Even though the change may take longer than three weeks I will now adjust my goals.
Tomorrow you can read more about it here at the Butterfly Battle blog!

1. Meal plan, well Thai food is healthy, but the amount!!!
2. Meditation, yes and listening and part taking of the monks recitation is very  relaxing
3. Inspirational reading: the newspaper Dagens Nyheter always give me new ideas. This time about bees non verbal communication abut finding new nests.
4. Exercise: bike ride, 10 km
5. Life changing: well this project is the most life changing in a long time. Food has been a big part of my life, still is but know the right stuff!
At the Vesak celebration in Luleå; Sweden

Sunday, May 17, 2015

BBC#5. Miss Postie

If you live in rainy place don’t cry with rain. Use the rain like a movie background. Pretty girl always looks fresh and sexy under the rain. Let’s bike it. Put you bike between your legs and start to look sexy. I missed two days without my iron horse and decided go out even through the rain. My daughter has a small business – post job. I helped her today, brought newspaper to the place and was waiting her with all those paper near the post boxes. 1, 5 hours, 400 newspapers and we are happy afterwards.
We live in North and bad weather is our daily routine. Don’t pay attention on rain/snow/wet/wind/thunder/ otherwise you can set at home from born to death. Just live/run/stay/love/kiss et cetera. Bad weather suits Nordic people.
I very satisfied my last day. My gold trio is cool.
1. Bike. Yes. Good girl. Did it on five marks
2. Beauty. Bath with a sea salt.
3. Cleaning. Thrown Christmas Lamp which doesn’t work, porn CD with old and boring content and a new toilet seat that did not fit our toilet (lying in the corner for 2 years). Clean my head from a bad and angry thoughts.
Мисс почта
Если живешь в дождливом месте, не надо плакать вместе с дождем. Используй дождь как декорации к фильму. Хорошенькая девушка всегда хорошо и сексуально выглядит под дождем. Я пропустила два дня прогулок с моим железным конем и решила выйти на улицу, невзирая на дождь. У моей дочки есть подработка – разноска газет. Я помогла ей сегодня. Подвозила газеты к подъезду и до ящиков. 1,5 часа, 400 газет и в итоге мы обе счастливы.
Мы живем на Севере. И плохая погода – наш обычный пейзаж за окном. Не надо обращать внимание на дождь/снег/слякоть/ветер/гром/ в ином случае ты можешь засесть дома с рождения до смерти. Просто живи/спеши/стой/люби/целуй и так далее. Плохая погода подходит северным людям.
Я очень довольна прошедшим днем. Мое золотое трио удалось.
1.      Велосипед. Да. Хорошая девочка. Сделал все на пять баллов.
2.      Красота. Ванна с морской солью.
3.      Чистка. Выкинула неработающую рождественскую горку, старую неинтересную порнушку и седушку от унитаза, которая не по размеру (к тому же, валяется в углу уже два года). Почистила голову от всяких злых мыслей.

The Ninja Diet #13: Eat like a bird...

Luleå is close to the arctic circle in the north of Sweden.
The winter is long, cold and dark.
Finally we are getting spring in Luleå. Slowly the trees are turning green. It's cold. +10C.
A few hours yesterday it was kind of warm in the sun.
Me and my bird Roxy were relaxing outside in our garden. She's a good role model regarding eating. Loves fruits and is very active!
For three month this city is living up. People spend lot of time outside. The midnight sun shines almost 24 hours, at least it never gets dark. We are charging our batteries for next winter.
1. Meal plan:Yes.
2. Inspirational reading:Yes
3. Meditation: Yes
4. Exercise: No, lazy afternoon, partly in the sunbed
5. Life changing: My work space is ready!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

BBC#4. The only one

Well. Look at my weigher. You’ll see 1 kilo before changing the numbers. Three-digit number must get two-digit number. I suppose it could be next week, for example, next Saturday. I’ll be tried to keep my Way and be strict to myself.
Yesterday I was dancing 4 hours and lost 1 kilo. Good secret of body slim. I’ll be dance next week for sure. I must throw out this only one kilogram and be 99 kilos. I will celebrate this event. I promise.
My three:
1.       Bike. No. But a lot of dancing
2.       Beauty. Yes. Sauna. Had a deal with two masseurs about massage sets.
3.       Cleaning. Not yet. Stay it for week-end front of work.

Один единственный

Итак, посмотрите на мои весы. Вы можете видеть 1 кг до смены цифр. Трехзначное число должно сменить двухзначное. Полагаю, это случится на следующей неделе, возможно в субботу. Я буду держаться, буду стараться идти выбранным путем. Буду строга к себе.
Вчера я танцевала 4 часа подряд и скинула за вечер целый килограмм. Хороший рецепт похудения. Обязательно займусь тем же на следующие выходные. Я должна выбросить этот последний килограмм в трехзначном весе. Я хочу увидеть на весах эти 99 и отметить это. Я обещаю.
Мои три пункта.
1.       Велосипед – нет. Зато танцы до упаду.
2.       Красота. Да. Прекрасное время с девочками в сауне.

3.       Чистка. Пока нет, но подготовила большой фронт работ на выходные. Займусь этим прям сегодня.

The Ninja Diet #19: Exhale the fat

Friday night at the supermarket. The cashier is commenting my "green buy". Sellery, lemons, fresh ginger (for my breakfast drink) strawberries and pineapple. No chips or chocolate like many people shop for the weekend. I'm proud! I'm happy! I'm a winner!
In the background, the steel factory, SSAB, Luleå.
While the number of my scale slowly decrease, I read this very interesting article about where the fat is vanishing when losing weight:

Sounds good and easy. Inhale and just exhale the fat. By losing 10 kilos of fat, 8.4 of those kilograms are exhaled as carbon dioxide. Our lungs are the primary excretory organ for weight loss

Therefor meditation must be very effective. It's not hard. Start with a guided meditation. There are a variety of them at the Mindfulness research center of UCLA . Free and very instructional. Check it our! You can start with only a few minutes:

Friday, May 15, 2015

BBC#3. Value or price?

                                                        Photo by Natasha Arifmetikova

I am not a fashion girl. I am not a shopaholic. I am a simple girl. I prefer simple food and don’t understand what is meaning of luxury restraint. But…I always disappointed when boys invited me in cheap cafe. What’s a double standard’s? My couch says it gets from incertitude. In fact I want to be evaluated very high. That’s why I was so glad to be invited to the high class restaurant yesterday. Maybe is a psychological problem for me. Anyway shame on me if I want to be sold like goods on the market place. Big girl, but so stupid.
Values of person are features, talent, kindness, smell, voice, and look, open minded, eyes light, inner light, sexuality, but not weight, height and age. I appreciate my friends for their thoughts and able to be open and open minded. End now is time to appreciate myself for these features.
My super 3 was not good last day. But I try

1.       Bike. Sorry. Was in the luxury place with Mister X.
2.       Beauty. Yes. Wash my face with cube of ice. Use a mask of kelp from the White Sea.
3.       Clean. Not thrown garbage but cleaned some secret places of my cave. Didn’t clean my mind. Have no too much. Keep it for future audit.

Ценность или ценник.

Я не модница. И не шопоголик. Я простая девчонка, чо уж там. Я предпочитаю простую еду и не понимаю смысла в дорогих ресторанах. Но я всегда парюсь, если парни ведут меня в дешевую кафешку. Что за двойные стандарты, Натфедрна? Мой коуч Ира говорит, что все это идет от заниженной самооценки. На самом деле я хотела бы быть оцененной повыше и побольше. Вот почему я так обрадовалась и даже прогуляла велосипедную радость из-за приглашения на обед в ресторан. Наверное, тут без психолога не обойтись. В любом случае, мне стыдновато, что я хочу порой продать себя, как вещь на рынке. Большая глупая девочка.
Ценность человеческая в особенностях, таланте, доброте, запахе, голосе, образе в целом, блеске глаз, внутреннем свете, открытости ума, сексуальности. Но уж точно не в росте, весе и возрасте. И пришло время мне саму себя ценить за эти качества, а не продаваться за обед.
Мои супер три были не очень хороши вчера.
1.       Велосипед. Нет, извините. Просто повелась на дорогой ресторан.
2.       Красота. Отлично. Умывалась ледяным кубиком с замороженной ромашкой внутри. Использовала ламинарную маску из Белого моря.
3.       Чистка. Не мыла, но кое-какие углы пещеры почистила слегка. Мысли не выкидывала. Самой пока мало.

The Ninja Diet #18: 15 kilos ago in company with the Swedish Prime Minister

One year ago I met the Swedish Prime Minister to be, Stefan Lövén. In September he was elected.
He's not as famous as your Russian President Putin, Natasha, but this guy is real nice.
 A peace keeper with a big heart. I fell in love!
New on his post he had to deal with a hunt for a supposed Russian submarine in the archipelago of Stockholm.
He is a social democrate. Here are some information in Russian:

Thursday was a national holiday. As a volunteer for Save the Children I biked 20 km to have my weekly group of Spanish speaking kids.
The wind was 8-9 m/s. Luleå is surrendered by water so it was a tough ride for me on my old bike without gears.
 On the way back it was raining...
I had a lot of time reflecting over how important it is to put in more effort when the wind are against you or you will not move towards your goal. Very symbolic.

Yesterday I was over eating again. I got so hungry from biking, the weather was bad, I was bored.
I read a report about how certain food triggers your appetite, and especially if combined; fat, sugar, salt.
When I eat white bread my mind goes crazy. I will try to avoid it. It's not in my meal plan anyway...
Today is a new day!

1. Meal plan: No...Well, yes most of it went good the scale is showing me!
2. Inspirational reading: A lot: Magazines and parts of books moving them around here in my clean up!
3. Meditation: Yes!
4. Exercise: 20 km against the wind...
5. Life changing: I start seeing things clear...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

BBC#2. Inspiring each other

                          Writing on the wall: "Compose dreams". Me and Denis in Saint-Peterburg

One good guy Denis Zubov was visiting us last week. He finished studying of actor’s Academy in Saint-Petersburg and needed take a break for fresh mind. He helped us with a new loft project, painted walls and had a sleepless night of creative. I invited him to my training and was inspiring not only my lesson but also my Samurai Way. After coming back home he wrote on Facebook about reloading his life and a new page of his life. He fixed 5 points like me and is doing all Fives during 8 days. I am very proud that he was inspiring me, my changes. And keep it.
The second one. I met a boy who works on governor administration and he said me he also watching me and tries to do something the same. It’s my second reason to be proud. If even boys read my blog I must going on.
I am a good girl. My new level trinity is exist.
1. Bicycle. Yes. Had a summer ride to the office and back.
2. Beauty. Used a new thing: deep hydration eye gel. Also made a manicure and pedicure.
3. Thrown big bag with old papers. Fix my yesterday’s point about enemy. After cleaning my head have a good mood and realizing all people very friendly and kind. It sounds like a fairytale but doesn’t matter. I stay on good things and ride my bicycle.

Один хороший парень Денис Зубов навестил нас на прошлой неделе. Он заканчивает театральную Академию в Санкт-Петербурге и хотел просто развеяться и получить глоток свежего воздуха с нами. Он помогал нам с новым лофт-проектом, красил стены, участвовал в ночи без сна и с креативом. Я пригласила его к себе на занятие, и он вдохновился не только тренировкой, но  всем моим самурайским путем. После приезда домой он написал в Фейсбуке, что начинает новую страницу, перезагружает свою жизнь. Он также зафиксировал пять пунктов и держит их уже 8 дней, умница. Я просто переполняюсь гордостью за нас обоих, что мы наметили эти пункты и держим их.
второй пример. Я встретила на улице парня, работающего в администрации нашего губернатора. Он сказал, что тоже следит за мной и даже старается следовать некоторым пунктам. Еще одна причина для гордости. Если даже мальчики читают мой блог, значит, я все правильно делаю. И должна это продолжать.
Я очень хорошая девочка. Моя тройка новой жизни все еще существует.
1. Велосипед. Да. На работу и с работы ехала на нем.

2. Красота. Есть такая. Опробовала новый гель для пространства вокруг глаз. На ночь и с утра. Красивая должна быть вот-вот. Жду. Также сделала маникюр и педикюр.
3. Чистка. На хрен выкинула всякие старые бумажки – огромный пакет, записи, которые никогда уже не прочитаю, документы семинаров и курсов, которые давно в голове. А в голове моей после вчерашней чистки уже нет навязчивой идеи, что вокруг одни враги. Пытаюсь быть Сашей Фуксом и притягивать к себе только любящих меня людей. Весь день так и получалось. Все люди добры и дружелюбны. Звучит как сказка, но я склонна верить. Сконцентрировалась на хорошем. И гоню мой лисапед по просторам маленького Петрозаводска.

the Ninja Diet #17: Good day: got a job and a booty call...

I stick to my veggies! No matter what...
Well... Let me first explain this expression "booty call".
Thanks to my youngsters at home I am updated in the 2000 centurie.
A booty call was not possible when I was young. To call someone after 10 pm was considered rude and my mom would have answered the phone. There were no cell phones in the 80's...

Booty call: A late night summons -- often made via telephone -- to arrange clandestine sexual liaisons on an ad hoc basis.

 My Butterfly battle co writer Natasha in Petrozavosk is keeping her flirting alive.
 I am focusing on my vegetables...Therefore I got very surprised by yesterdays call. It took me embarrassing 5 minutes to understand who it was:  an old fling...
A booty call is not common at 3.30 pm in the afternoon. More likely at 3.30 am.
It always puts me in a good mood to know I am unforgettable...
I got back to my veggies while the guy called me three times to make sure I got his message clear.
I hope he found someone else for his urgent needs.

If you want to know more:

The second happening of yesterday is the accomplishing of the goal I wrote about in the Daily Greatness Journal less than two weeks ago.
I got a "summer job" I have been wanting for seven years.
More on this topic later on.

I found my diary from 1982-83 while cleaning the house today.
Strange to read the thoughts of Eva Marie, 15 years old.
I realized that the Butterfly Battle Blog is my modern diary.

1. Meal plan:I added a great amount of veggies. It worked! Got me stay away from over eating.
2. Inspirational reading: A lot.
3. Meditation: Yes! A wonderful time!
4. Exercise: I took a break...Bad weather...
5. Life changing: Absolutely. This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

BBC#2. Love who loves you back

About love.
Me and Sasha Fuchs
My friend very famous journalist Sasha Fuchs was saying: “Don’t converse with people who don’t like you. Have contacts only with that person who loves you or more and less likes you”. So simple and so deep statement. Before my thirty I was trying to please everyone. After 30 I realize that I can not to be good girl for each and became me, myself. But some strange junk came to my head: I have a lot of enemy. All this anonymous who had written below my articles bad and rude things are my enemy rgt. I was thinking about and I’ve got a headache. A new situation I have in nowadays. I clean my head from bad thoughts. I throw “enemy stuff” go out and hold only friends army inside me. I learn to be a Sasha Fuchs, love only loves me.

As well I thrown out 2 bags with old magazines, some ugly dishes, boring CD and so on.
About beauty.
I use my old and unforgettable sort of caring about body – clay. I have a reserve of Crimean clay. I took it in Koktebel seaside – very famous resort. I made a mask for a 30 min and cleaned my face. And I felt a softness and velvet skin.
Bike. I went to the office and came back (about 5 kilometers) by bike yesterday. Now I know all about ass and tights ache like my dear loco motive Eva Marie. And very glad about this pain.

Люби тех, кто любит тебя

О любви
Мой друг и коллега Сашка Фукс всегда говорил мне: «Не общайся ты с теми, кто тебя не любит. Дружи с теми, кто любит и ценит тебя хотя бы чуть-чуть». Какая простая и глубокая мысль. До 30 я пыталась нравиться всем. После вдруг осознала, что не могу быть хорошей для всех и пришла к себе. Но с тех пор в моей голове поселился некий мусор: у меня полно врагов. Все эти анонимы, что пишут гадости в комментах – это моя армия врагов. Я думала об этом так много, что получала головную боль в натуральном виде. Сегодня я чищу голову от всех этих вражеских штучек. Я стараюсь удержать только друзей внутри головы. Я учусь как Саша Фукс любить тех, кто любит меня. Кроме того я выкинула из дома два пакета со старыми журналами, уродливой посудой и скучными дисками.
О красоте
Я опробовала старый незабываемый способ ухода за телом – глину. У меня есть запас Крымской глины, которую я собрала в Коктебеле, знаменитом нашем курорте, горячо мною любимом. Полчаса маски-шоу – и кожа мягка и шелковистая.

О велике.
Вчера я ездила на работу и обратно на нем. Теперь я знаю все о боли в попе и ягодицах, как и мой шведский локомотив Ева Мария. И очень горжусь этой добытой в трудах болью.