Saturday, September 5, 2015

No more bread....

After an advice from Calle commenting my latest post I have made a decision: I will remove bread from my daily diet. Too often I over eat.
In my freezer from last September the last gold of Kalix, fish roe, put on crisp bread and slowly enjoyed. Soon time for a new delivery from Karin!
My son and  the PT at SATS Haninge also has told my to remove bread and nuts. I'll give it a try until at least the 1st of January 2016. I am 100 % positive it will give result. I will though make some smoothies on nuts from time to time, but no snacking will be allowed. It's hard to stop once starting...
I will also reduce my intake of pasta. More veggies! More protein!
I feel inspired! Let's go!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Relaxation for good weight loss result

For me stress is a risk for over eating. I need to relax and gain new energy to have a strong mind.
I meditate, I listen to the sound of the sea in the summerhouse, I read magazines with beautiful pictures to calm down.
I have a very stressful, emotional demanding job right now working with children escaping from wars. Some call me mama and it's a great honor and a big responsibility to be an instant mother.
The crisp September air, the last warm sun rays, the bird song is a great tool for mindfulness.
I am not a winter lover so I try to charge my batteries full to go through a long, cold, dark winter here in the very north (130 km from the Arctic Circle).
In this six days break from work I'll spend some time planning my upcoming path of weight loss.
Do you have any advice for me?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fat vs muscles

Thanks to yesterdays post I got a nice message from a friend in Germany filled with support and love.
Please share your story with us. We know there are a few people who has been inspired from the ButterflyBattle!
When I meet people I haven't seen in a while the compliment my weight loss and ask how much more I have lost. Nothing is my answer...
But nothing is not the answer for what I have been doing this summer and I did visit the gym!
My body has got firmer and the kilos might have changed from fat to muscles.
Biking is so much easier than in May and I really hope to continue all September.
I need a plan for in door activities this fall/winter.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Russian measurement#6. One small step

Today is the 1th of September. As my Swedish sister Eva Marie, I have no good news from Russia too. My difference between last numbers and today is not a big. I have no choice just put it here.
 I put a difference in 6 points: April, May, June, Jul, August, September.
Weight 105,9 – 102, 0 – 98.8 – 94,4 – 94,5 – 93,5
Waist 105 centimeter – 103 – 100 – 95 – 96 -93
Breast volume – 123 cm – 121 – 118 – 115 – 116 - 112
Buttocks – 132 cm – 128 – 125 – 120 – 121- 119
Tights – 77 left, 81 right 75-80 – 74-78 - 70-71 – 69-72 – 69-72
Upper arms – 34 – 33-32, 32-31-30 – 31-29 – 31-29
Anyway. Small step – big result. Go ahead.
Check it on October, 1.

Русские замеры 6. Один маленький шаг
Сегодня 1 сентября. Как и моей шведской сестре по несчастью, мне нечем прихвастнуть. Цифры на весах месячной давности и сегодняшние не сильно-то отличаются друг от друга. Разница невелика. И мне ничего не остается, как просто выложить все это.
Вес 105,9 – 102, 0 – 98.8 – 94,4 – 94,5 – 93, 5
Талия 105 см  – 103 – 100 - 95 – 96 - 92
Грудь – 123 см – 121 – 118 - 115 – 116 - 112
Ягодицы – 132 см – 128 – 125 -  120 – 121 - 119
Бедра – 77 правое, 81 левое 75-80 – 74-78 - 70-71 – 69-72 – 69-72
Руки – 34 – 33, 32-31 - 31-30 29-31 – 29-31
Как бы то ни было, маленький шаг – большой результат. Идем дальше.
Замеряемся 1 октября.

The Swedish ninja strikes back!

After a very long summer break, I'm back blogging.
As it's the first of the month I look forward to my Russian sisters latest result from the scale and measuring band. Personally I have no breaking news...
I stick about the same weight and I have been having a lot of time to reflect why.
I still on the contract not eating any fast food/ snacks/candy/cakes with my sons.
That means I had my second summer without ice cream.
In one way I am happy I haven't gained all the more than 30 kilos I lost since January the 1st 2014. It has happened before in my life of dieting.
On the other hand I am sensing some fear losing more weight. This is me. I have been over weight my whole adult life. The excess kilos are probably a shield.
I look in the mirror and see the changes. I can't recognise my self. I am worried about the skin getting loose. What will happen to me? How will I feel? What would I look like?
The next second I am eager to lose more NOW! I have had a fantastic summer biking, walking, swimming. So much easier with less kilos to move around.
It's time to take the next step. Follow my path here at the ButterflyBattle blog!