Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The lobster diet: losing weight with sea food

It's heating up in many ways!
Yesterday I had a lobster for dinner. Today a crab.
1999-2000 I spend two month in Cuba. I had problem with my gall bladder. The doctor suggested surgery or diet.
As I didn't want to miss out on anything of my stay in Cocosolo, Havanna, I started my diet.
The Cubans use a lot of oil to cook.
I should only eat fish.
The problem on this tropical island, surrounded by the Caribbean sea ,  was the lack of food for the citizens.
The family returned home with a can...
The only solution was to shop at the black market. 
The only fish available was lobster. Eight for 10 dollars.
For seven weeks I ate lobster. The weight loss result was amazing.
I love sea food.

This crab was on sale. 
I can't afford it everyday.
I wish I could!
This is exactly two years ago according to Facebook. 

Last night I slept at moms house.She offered me breakfast but I had a  vlcd- pudding. 
-What are you eating, she asked so I let her taste. Is that really healthy?
She was confused over her daughter eating chocolate pudding at 9 am!

1 comment:

  1. Looking great! Remeber to also go to the steelworkers gym 3-4 times a week :-)
