Monday, May 25, 2015

The Ninja Diet: In the temple..

Me and the abbot Bui Van Tam

Chua Phat Quang tempel, Gothenburg

I woke up to late this morning. One hour later as wished. While running around trying to catch up I recalled the sound of chanting monks. No wonder. This weekend I woke up 5.45 by  this bell and the chant of a Vietnamese nun hitting on it with a large stick. It lasted until 6 am when the ceremony started.
 In the front of great hall of the beautiful decorated temple outside Gothenburg, Sweden, the Abbot Bui Van Tam started a long mantra. All monks where chanting together for 45 minutes. They also played on wooden instruments, bells and drums.  All in front of three gigantic Buddha statues carved in wood (from the same tree!)
Here is Phramaha Boonthin from the Wat Buddarama, Thai temple also visiting Gothenburg!

It was a relaxing weekend at the temple in company with Buddhist from all over Sweden.
We had our yearly gathering, a seminar on how to preserve the nature and nice vegetarian meals with tofu prepared by volunteers of the temple. We slept on madrases in a beautiful room full of flowers and a little Boddhi three (the one under which Buddha got enlightenment).
The view from the window was great:
My bedroom view

I went out to have Jonna take a picture of me with the laughing Buddha:

I enjoyed my weekend a lot and spend time out door in the lush green nature of Gothenburg.
I got time to contemplate, have deep conversation with my travel companion Jonna from Luleå, the photographer of most of the pictures here, relax, learn a  lot of new things. I gained some more power for the Butterfly Battle. A very busy week is in front of me. I will follow Jonna's advice and not forget to breath!

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