Monday, February 6, 2017

Heavy times for the butterflies

I was very chocked to hear my Russian sister Natasha suffering from severe pancreas inflammation. I wish her a fast recovery.

Personally I am fighting lumbago...
The doctor told me today to rest. No walks, it's too slippery outside. No gym.
This makes it impossible to burn any calories. I'm also very bored. Dangerous for my eating habits.

I'm having the Modifast soup spiced up. On my way back from the doctor, I passed a store and I went in to get some  'berbere', hot spices from Eritrea, but there were none.
Only a senior man from Iraq, teacher of sport, offering me a cake and when I told him about this ButterflyBattle he got inspired and instructed me what not to eat and how many and long walks I need to take to get in shape.

As I can't get too sad about things I can't change, I try to stay motivated by focusing on the good result of January, almost 13 kilo weight loss.
One of these bags is 10 kilos. With an elephant... Due to my back ache I can't lift it up.
Happy to have got rid of it, but full aware there are quite a few bags to fight off my body to get a lighter life.

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