Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Ninja Diet #8: Thank you for the love bombing

It's said it's easier to reach a goal if you tell your friends about it, no matter what you are aiming for.
Last days my friends have been love bombing me with compliments for the weight loss. Many of them at  Facebook commenting my new look, others at work, in the street, at the bus. Every "good job", go girl", keep on"," I'm following your blog" is giving me more power to keep up the fighting spirit in the Butterfly Battle.
I am touched over how fantastic people are to me. Some are close friends, others I never would have expected so generous take time to support me! I am surprised and very grateful for everything.
I am sending a lot a love to all of you! And in case I don't know you personal yet, please feel free to write you comments about the Butterfly Battle Blog here. Of course it is for everyone!

I am thinking about choices and priorities made in life and how you sometimes cast pearls before swine. Nothing is actually a waste if you believe in Karma. What comes around goes around.
But when the energy is put in something good for yourself and others it makes everything brighter.
There are many people asking about how Natasha and I are losing weight and about what food we are eating. It's not a secret everything is written here. Just look back in the blog!

Exercise has been my weak spot so far. I just can't find motivation to start. My son and the PT at SATS Haninge, Elisha, is 1000 km away from Luleå; Sweden. How lucky I am having friends ready to give me a push in the right direction.
Yesterday Carola had booked a walk in the hood. She cancelled it, but as I had my mind set on it I did it anyway. The evening was fabulous with sun and glittering water. I even meditated outside to the songs of happy spring birds.

This morning one of my oldest friends Rose-Marie asked my to join her and her baby son for a walk.
Rose-Marie made up with her over weight and won the battle. She's now slim and fast. Walking about 10 km daily. She is a good company as a long time friend and she also knows how hard it is to exercise with a lot of extra kilos to drag around. We had serious talks and I walked for one hour! Fantastic! She was kind to take the picture of me above and also this selfie:

The Ninja result of yesterday:
1. Meal plan: no problem
2. Inspirational reading: about fat; good and bad
3. Meditation: wonderful outdoor session in the sun
4. Exercise: YES-finally, a walk
5. Life changing: small adjustments leading to a great change

Very inspiring of your mood, sister. It's my greeting from sunny Petrozavodsk just now.

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