Monday, January 30, 2017

T G I Monday..How to survive a buffet brunch

Brunch on Sunday, suggested my good friend J. Sorry, you might not eat, she said.
Yes I eat and I will challenge my old habits...
At the Savoy Hotel in Luleå, Sweden yesterday morning. A table full of sweets...
I quickly passed and took a look at the food. Planning is number one. I can't eat it all and not as much as I used to. I grabbed the good food: a lot of shrimps, some mayo, bean salad, olives, artichokes, some cheese, and the most unhealthy: a little wrap with shrimp salad.
I ate it all slow as I was talking so much...For dessert I had two of my favourites, the Finnish knäckebrot Finn Crisp and blue cheese. I was full for hours and very happy I did stuck to my plan: no over eating. Only one plate!  Jabbadabbado!

Monday. Back to the routines. Shakes and soups. Tea and water. Veggies, my freezer is full.
Great weekend though, with great friends and great food. Apart from me getting a lumbago while filling up the shopping chart. Why does this happen when I need to be active at work and take long walks everyday? I hope the best physiotherapist on earth, Gilla, can schedule me very fast. She is a magic women,  uses OMT. And always fix any problem.Right now I feel like a robot.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I did it through a birthday bash...

Fransisco had his first birthday party yesterday! Daddy J is a master chef and his daughter N makes the greatest cakes.
Luckily I sat next to M and S-M during the dinner. They know about this blog so I couldn't cheat...
I skipped the carbs and loaded up with veggies. Of course J had made a great hot salsa. I had one hot dog, a chicken wing and got full from the great pickled vegetables.  I resisted the quesadilla...One of my favourites...Instead I had a fiber cracker...
 No cake...But sweet N handed me a strawberry with some whipped cream.
No gain without pain...It tasted delicious and the party was great, thank's N and J for inviting me.
Great opportunity to practice mindful eating and the Swedish 'lagom'...

Saturday, January 28, 2017

To lose weight: just say NO!

The ultimate party weekend started with a movie,  La la land! 
Great movie,  no popcorn...
Next challenge; birthday party for André. 
I ate a piece of the Swedish National dish 'smörgåstårta' and had two glasses of champagne!
After three years without candies, cake,  snacks, soda I have no problem to say no to the rest:
Scale showing less everyday! Slowly but down. I have my vlcd - shakes and one meal a day.

Friday, January 27, 2017

I am having a Happy New Year 2017! Scale down!

January is almost over. I have been on a diet for the whole month. Vlcd-shakes.
For the last week I have been replacing one meal with real food. Vegetable soups, lobster, crab. This weekend will be a challenge.  Two birthday parties and one brunch. I skip the cake but I will eat the food.
Luckily I am full very fast and for a long period. After the crab the others day, for 20 hours!
The scale is kind, showing another 0.5 kilo weight loss this morning.
Today it's the chines New Year. Year of the roaster. I love birds and have my own hen at home. Picture from december!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The lobster diet: losing weight with sea food

It's heating up in many ways!
Yesterday I had a lobster for dinner. Today a crab.
1999-2000 I spend two month in Cuba. I had problem with my gall bladder. The doctor suggested surgery or diet.
As I didn't want to miss out on anything of my stay in Cocosolo, Havanna, I started my diet.
The Cubans use a lot of oil to cook.
I should only eat fish.
The problem on this tropical island, surrounded by the Caribbean sea ,  was the lack of food for the citizens.
The family returned home with a can...
The only solution was to shop at the black market. 
The only fish available was lobster. Eight for 10 dollars.
For seven weeks I ate lobster. The weight loss result was amazing.
I love sea food.

This crab was on sale. 
I can't afford it everyday.
I wish I could!
This is exactly two years ago according to Facebook. 

Last night I slept at moms house.She offered me breakfast but I had a  vlcd- pudding. 
-What are you eating, she asked so I let her taste. Is that really healthy?
She was confused over her daughter eating chocolate pudding at 9 am!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Do you want to know a secret?

I have told you I lost 10 kilos since the first of January. Actually the weight loss has been greater. I call it the W-effect. First of December I got a new boss. I really like her so I lost four kilo from pure happiness.
There is no question the well being is affecting my weight. As an emotional eater I reach for food to calm down, for comfort, for joy.
I love food. I love eating. I love cooking.
It's a challenge to stay away from it all. Yesterday I took a step back to eating food after  23 days on vlcd - shakes and soups.I had one ordinary soup, ready made 'super lunch' from Pauluns.
Expensive but delicious. Healthy with extra protein.
I will eat one meal a day.The rest will be shakes. As I'm working a lot at the moment I won't have time to cook.
End of the week I will have four days off. Two parties and a brunch. But I'm not going to give up the ButterflyBattle! Natasha in Petrozavodsk! How are things going in Russia? Please let us know! We miss you and your entertaining blog posts!💖

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The final countdown: one weight loss goal reached!

Yesterday was a happy day for many reasons. First of all I reached a weight loss goal!
On day 20 of my vlcd - journey I stepped up on the scale: -10.1 kilo!
The last days I have tried a lcd soup from Modifast : potato and leek. Green as poison.
But with a lot of spices added it's OK. Great to have a hot meal. I still drink my vanilla shake from Nutrilett. I have not yet started at the gym...On less than 600 calories a day I haven't felt enough powerful. Therefor I will start eating healthy meals  very soon, one a day and swap the others for shakes.
One of the keys to success has been the lack of children at home these three weeks. I didn't have to shop so much groceries or cook. I also had a lot of days off from work.I had my first shake at 10 every morning to be able to have them more frequently in the afternoon when the hunger sets in. But honestly I haven't been too hungry. A little dizzy in the beginning of this week due to lack of water I guess. It's gone now.

Donald Trump is new president in the US. He talk about Putin as a friend. Of course this makes us in the little country Sweden in between scared. The values of Trump are disgusting.
I felt sick hearing his speech yesterday.

Luckily my day ended  great in company with J, one of my oldest friends. We wrote about music for the local newspapers in the 80s. Last night we went to a concert with one of the heroes from back then: Kee Marcello, former member of the rock group Europe. Even if your not Swedish you might have heard 'The final countdown'.

My own countdown is going on...Three weeks of 2017 are gone and so are also10 kilo. I wonder how the weight loss of Leif GW Persson is going...

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Staying on the right track to weight loss

January is the coldest month here in northern Sweden, close to the Arctic circle.
As you might remember, only a few weeks I was freezing, -28 C below zero.
Today is +6 and raining. ..All the buses to my job in Boden were cancelled due to the dangerous slippery road 97.
Luckily there was a train going and I won't be too late...Maybe 20 minuter.
I hate being late. My fathers  device was 'If you can't do anything,  you can at least be in time".
Day 19 of the vlcd - diet.  Yesterday I had an onion soup to socialize with my son at the restaurant Corsica in Luleå. It tasted great.
Weight was +200 g today. Doesn't bother me to much!☺

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The power to lose weight given by friends

Yesterday I had a two hour conversation with my friend Bi.
She came to my class in 1984. Since then she has always been in my life.
I'm the godmother of her son, and she  is of my oldest son.
We have been through ups and downs through life and there is a blessing to have someone you always can talk to. She lives 1000 km away. We don't meet so often.
But we know everything about each others life and family. We also have so many amazing memories together from when we were young. This year we both turn 50. On the picture above we are 44. But we stay forever young☺.

I am so fortunate to have  many friends, men and women. A lot of them are cheering my weight loss on Facebook right now.It gives me more power. I'm gonna make it!
Another half kilo since yesterday is gone. Many more to go. But a good start of 2017.
I had some advice from a bodybuilder champion today. She though it was necessary start working out now. And as I have a fresh gym card there are no obstacles. Soon very soon!
Watch out!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Visible weight loss or not? Judge for your self!

I lost a lot of kilos in a short period of time. Since yesterday another half kilo.
My sons says I look skinnier in the face. Are they right? You have to scroll back in this blog to the first of January, when Natasha and I restarted this ButterflyBattle:2017, to make your own opinion. At least I feel lighter!
A few days more to go on vlcd - shakes. I look forward to healthy food. It's a bit boring to only drink. No pain, no gain...It has definitely been worth it. A kick start of a new life in the new year. It's a long way to go. Thank you all for helping me so follow the right path. You are motivation me. In the public in front of so many people I can't allow myself to fail!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Beach 2017? Come on Leif GW Persson.

I want to challenge the author and criminologist Leif GW Persson in this ButterflyBattle.
He informed us through one of the greatest newspaper in Sweden that he would lose 50 kg 2017. He has uncountable vices. But in ten days he had lost 5 kilo and now fear he will be all gone by Summer in his high speed weight loss.
In Sweden Leif GW Persson is the host of 'Crime of the week' on the Swedish National Television.
There is no need to look for the murder of the skeleton above. I found it at the University of Luleå, the Institution for health.
My own health is improving everyday day. 8. 4 kilos less to carry around.
I'm kind of fed up with my vlcd - shakes, five a day. Friday will be my last day. I'm planning next step of nutrition. I've got some magazines and cook books were I'll pick some nice recipe's from. Everything  has to be prepared if I will be able to stay on the right track through 2017. Come on GW! Bring it on! Natasha from Petrozavodsk and Eva Marie from Luleå will be at you bad in this battle against over weight!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Weight loss after two weeks! The result: amazing! As my Russian sister in Petrozavodsk said: we'll take this step by step.
The first of January I decided to try the vlcd - shakes for at least three days. Or five.
In the beginning it was though. I was dizzy and on day four and five very hungry.
Day seven I was tempted by 10 gigant pizzas, but resisted.
 Yesterday at the board meeting by Save the Children my favourite  dish, "smörgåstårta".
I drank my shakes...

Less than 600 calories a day for two weeks gave a great result: 8,4 kilos!

I will continue five more days. Until Franciscos first birthday party...
His daddy Javier cooks the greatest food. I don't want to miss out on that!
But I leave the cake. 2017 is a healthy year!

Любовное настроение / Love mood

Либо теплая погода и настоящий новогодний снег так подействовали, либо просто пришла пора, но я себе сегодня сказала – пора ввязаться в какую-нибудь любовною историю. Но по опыту своей 45-летней жизни я знаю, что какую-нибудь не получится. Все мои любовные истории в клочья. Некоторые с летальным исходом. И мне хочется спокойной романтической линии, заботы, подоткнутого одеяла, а еще чтоб жалел. А то никто, сука, не жалеет меня. А в старину на Руси говорили, когда жениха желали - чтоб любил, чтоб жалел. Почти что синонимичный ряд выстраивали. Я вот тоже. Хочу кольцо Cartier Love и чтоб жалел. Рабочая лошадь устала.
С начала этого года я сбросила уже 2,5 нажранных килограмма. Но знаю, любовное настроение мне помогает скидывать по 5 кг в неделю. Влюбленная я вообще перестаю есть, гуляю по городу, читаю Мандельштама и улыбаюсь. Вот всего этого снова хочу. Потому что сегодня воскресенье. Сказочный снег на улице. Завтра работа, спортивные занятия, английский и гонка на выживание. А сегодня любовь и странные предчувствия. Может ошибочные. Но я поиграю в интуицию. Она меня редко подводит.

Love mood
Just because a very warm weather and a real Christmas snow so affected, or just the time has come, but I told myself today - it's time to get involved in some kind of love story. But the experience of my 45 years of life is telling me – it’s couldn’t be “some kind” – only true! Only hard core. All my love story to shreds. Some of them was fatal. I want a quiet romantic line, care, tuck, and favor.
I want ring Cartier Love and somebody who able to favor me.
Since the beginning of this year I lost 2,5 kilograms. But I know the mood of love helps me to throw off by 5 kg per week. In love, I do stop to eat, walk around town, reading Mandelstam and smile. That's all I want it again. Because today is Sunday. Fabulous snow on the street. Tomorrow are work, sports, English, and race for survival. Today are love and strange premonitions. Maybe wrong. But I play in intuition. It rarely fails me.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Nothing can stop me....

...not even tons of snow.

I know this is everyday for people in the north of Sweden, but this blog has readers all over the world. Sometimes I wonder what this climate makes to us.
How can people be so stubborn staying here for hundreds of years in the dark, cold winter? How can we stand all this snow? It's touch to walk through and on when it's icy.
Summer in Luleå is beautiful. The midnightsun.
Winter in my opinion is hell. Could hardly get out of the house earlier today.

I  lost the size of a butter box today, 400 g. I also got my self another ring.
Here are some more picture of snowy Luleå today.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Ягодка / The Berry

Знаете, я совсем не умею одеваться. У меня нет вкуса в одежде. Да я и не страдаю. Если вы увидите меня в чем-то красивом, это скорей случайность или Луна в Стрельце. Я покупаю одежду в секонд-хендах. Или мне отдают платьица похудевшие подруги. То самое бордовое платье с аватарки, где я держу банку с вареньем – оно от моей любимой Фоминой. Мне идут платьица. К счастью, какая бы я толстая ни была, мне повезло с пропорциями. Фигура «песочные часы» помогает методом перетяжки посередине задрапировать любые сто кг веса. И вроде женственно.
Но есть у меня такая фишка, за которую меня ругают окружающие – я люблю влезть в одну одежду и носить ее месяц. Пока окружающие не поставят ультиматум. Света мне сказала, еще раз придешь в клуб в этом платье – выгоню переодеваться. Правда, еще она запретила ходить на работу с не закрашенной сединой. И еще считает, сколько дней я ношу новый зеленый сарафан. Улыбается, говорит, я запомнила, с 29 ноября.
Когда я была редактором глянцевого журнала, меня часто приглашали на вечеринки в модные клубы. А там фотозона, фэшн-фотограф и фотосессии прямо на входе. Думаете, я соблюдала дресс-код? Могла в модную тогда территорию приехать в велосипедках, потому что на велосипеде. У меня были широкие удобные льняные штаны, купленные в Лос-Анжелесе. Я их доносила до дыр – не в переносном значении. Машка Морозова, с которой мы делали журнал, поставила мне ультиматум – хотя бы в модные клубы не ходить в этих дырявых штанах.
А еще Машечка Гудкова, фотограф и хороший друг моих проектов, как-то заметила: «Наташа, я фотографирую тебя раз в месяц на поэтических вечерах фестиваля «мой поэт». И заметила на фотографиях одну глобальную проблему, которую надо срочно решать: ты из месяца в месяц в одной и той же одежде».
Ага, меня переодевать надо насильно. Иначе я не замечаю. Это не значит, что от меня воняет, я могу каждый день стирать мое бордовое платье, сушить на балконе или на батарее – и завтра снова его надевать. Мне не надоедает, а людям – да.
Мне нравятся женщины, которые умеют стильно одеваться, следят за тем, чтобы наряды не повторялись и в одно и то же общество в одном платье они не ходят.
Я другая.
Однажды я прочитала правила жизни актера Тима Роббинса. Он сказал: «Не важно, во что ты одет, важно, что ты делаешь». На том и успокоилась. Не одеждой я притягиваю людей. Словами, улыбкой, «песочными часами», запахом кофе, юмором – еще тысячей вещей, проектами, идеями, сочетаниями слов. Но не одеждой. Утешаю себя я. Хотя то бордовое платье мне чертовски идет. Как и варенье. Не зря же мне 45. И я ягодка.

I am always badly dressed. I have now fashion style. If you see me in something beautiful, it is rather a coincidence or the Moon in Sagittarius. I buy clothes at second-hand. Or it’s comes to me from my friends. That burgundy dress from my avatars, where I keep a jar of jam - it's from my favorite Fomina. I like dresses. Fortunately, no matter how fat I was, I was lucky with the proportions. The figure of "hourglass" helps by constriction in the middle of any drape hundred kg of weight. And like feminine.
But I have such a feature, for which I blamed others - I like to get into a dress and wearing per month. Till others do not deliver ultimatum. Sveta told me: if you going wearing this dress all your life don’t come to the club. I now Sveta counted how many days I'm wearing a new green sundress. She smile and say: I remember, from 29 November.
When I was editor of a glossy magazine, I was often invited to parties at trendy clubs. A photo zone there, a fashion photographer and photo shoot right at the entrance. Do you think I was keeping a dress code? No. I can come to the party wearing sport pants or shorts. I had ample comfortable linen trousers bought in Los Angeles. I have a big holes on this pants - not in a figurative sense. Masha Morozova, with whom we were doing magazine, gave me an ultimatum – don’t take these holey pants at least to the trendy parties.
Another Masha, a photographer and a good friend of my projects, once said: "Natasha, I photograph you once a month for poetry readings festival" my poet ". And I notice on the photo one global issue that needs to be urgently addressed: you dressed in the same clothes from month to month. "
Yeah, I should be forced to change clothes. Otherwise, I do not notice. This does not mean, that I have a bad smell, I can wash my burgundy dress and  dry it on  the balcony or on the battery every day and put it on again tomorrow. I do not get bored, and the people - yes.
I like women who know how to dress stylishly, but I am different.

Once I read the rules of life of the actor Tim Robbins. He said: "It does not matter what you're wearing, it is important that you do." How I communicate with people and charming them. I exactly now – my arm – is not not clothes, I attract people with words, a smile, "hourglass", the smell of coffee, humor - even a thousand things, projects, ideas, combinations of words. But it is not clothing. Although the burgundy dress very suits me. Like a jam. Because I am the Berry. I am 45.

Stickin' to my plan, surfing on ice.Weight down!

Friday the 13th... Yes I slipped  on some ice today. First time this winter. Luckily the ground was heavy covered by all the snow that fell last night. My behind is very soft as well...No injuries.

Friday shopping at the supermarket on day 13 on only vlcd - shakes is an bizarre  experience. All the colors, all the temptation.  I got dizzy.

It's time to make up plans for my future food intake. I got my self a book with vegetarian soups. I love veggies in that shape. It's cold here in January and February. This will suit me perfectly. 

Ok, weight loss: 0.7 kg. A lot of runaround yesterday.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Разум и чувства / Sense and Sensibility

Конфликт между чувствами и разумом у меня возникает всегда, когда я заношу ложку с едой над входом в мой организм. Разум говорит: стой, ты же обещала, посмотри на часы, в 2.15  ночи заправить свою машину топливом – плохая идея, машина стоит в гараже, ей не нужен бензин, остановись. Дозаправка не требуется! Стой! Нет! Внутри полно горючего…
А чувства шепчут: солнышко, открой ротик, с открытым ртом ты так сексуальна. Твой рот создан самой природой именно для заталкивания внутрь всего самого лучшего, большого, бесконечного.
Подобно шведскому литературному герою, пожилому истеричному обитателю модного лофта с психическим расстройством и булимией, тебе кажется, что банка варенья, соленья, копченья или шпротиков – это и секс, и досуг и твоя малая родина. Вдохнешь, палец в банку обмокнешь, оближешь, причмокнешь – и ты на родине, ты дома.
Холодильник, переполненный снедью, издающий с кухни ровные эротические вибрации мотора, будто гипнотизирует тебя, зовет своего лунатика-обжору: «Приди, открой, надкуси. Ведь ты этого достойна».
И хорошо, что во время ночных экспедиций из теплой постели в прохладу холодильника, ты оставляешь разум на подушке. Ты вышел в ночное, вооруженный только чувствами. Зачем тебе вечно сомневающийся и само уничижающийся ум, если все, что тебе нужно в эту страстную ночь, это затаить дыхание и прошептать без свидетелей:
- Шпротики, я вас люблю!

Sense and Sensibility
When I bring a spoon with food over the entrance to my body, the conflict between the senses and the mind is always exist. The mind says: wait, you promised, look at the clock - 2.15 PM not good time for charging of your body machine.
A sense of whispering: sunshine, open your mouth, you're so sexy with your opened mouth. It’s very suits you push everything inside your body.
Like the Swedish literary hero, the elderly hysterical occupant of loft, with a mental disorder and bulimia, it seems that the pot of jam, pickles, smoked fish - it's sex, and leisure and your small homeland. Inhale, put the finger in a jar, lick - and you're at home.
Refrigerator, sounds from the kitchen straight erotic vibration motor, like hypnotizing you, calling the lunatic-glutton, "Come, open, bite. After all, you deserve it. "
And well, that during the night expeditions from a warm bed in a cool refrigerator, I leave my mind on the pillow. I went out at night, armed only with feelings. All you need in this passionate night, is breathless whisper:

- Meal, I love you!

Modern girl remembering old times

Yesterday I went back 450 years. Today at the bus only 23.
Everytime I meet my exboyfriend K I think about cous cous, camels and beautiful carpets.
Together we spend three months in Morocco.
The food was fantastic, the people very kind and the nature from north to south, west  to east amazing. I have visited  at least 15 cities and villages.
The experience staying in a country so different from Sweden has helped me a lot in life and work. I know a few Arabic word and I have a little clue about the mentality of the people. K was a very different man. His sister were not happy when he changed diapers on my kids. He cooked very good food. On day 12 on vlcd - shakes I am a little bit hungry.
Good to be alt work the whole day to stay busy and get a lot of exercise.
The scale show +300 gram this morning😨 NO panik!  Drank a lot of water yesterday.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Поток / Flow

В детстве я любила ловить время. Безуспешно. Но мне нравилось за ним гоняться. Я думала: «Вот, вот он, этот момент. Упс. Уже другой». Пыталась останавливать, а только считала моменты. Потом я выросла и прочитала много умных книг, в том числе «Сила момента сейчас» и «Поток». Обе они про то, чтобы не зацикливаться на прошлом и будущем, а жить в  потоке настоящего, наслаждаться им. Мы всегда либо перетираем старые обиды и улыбаемся пережитой романтике, либо планируем будущие шаги. Но никогда не наслаждаемся временем сейчас. Я пью кофе, думаю о том, как попью кофе и буду идти на встречу с партнером. На встрече с партнером я думаю, что мне приготовить завтра для девишника. На девишнике я отвлекаюсь мыслями, что завтра буду делать в тренажерном зале. А в тренажерном зале планирую: вот сейчас приду и поем вкусного творожка. И так вся жизнь – меня никогда нет на месте, я где-то в пути на машине времени – туда-сюда – из прошлого в будущее, заскакиваю в настоящее, чтобы переодеться и принять душ.
Мне кажется, жить настоящим – это тоже тренируется, как правильные дыхание и осанка, как привычка стоять на одной ноге, когда готовишь.
Из тех вещей, которые я люблю именно за поток – это писательство. Когда я пишу, могу перекрыть все входы и выходы в прошлое и будущее. Я здесь. Мамочка дома. Я в таком удовольствии, что я могу даже кряхтеть и пыхтеть, как во время секса. Конечно, вы можете сказать, что во время секса не кряхтят. Но я уже забыла, какие звуки издают два животных во время секса. Так что, не обессудьте. Давно дело было.
В общем, писательство доставляет мне чисто физическое удовольствие. Мне даже не важен конечный результат, вернее, он важен во вторую очередь. А вот тот провал в настоящее – и есть счастье моей жизни. Если вы спрашиваете себя, а в чем мое призвание, в чем мой талант, вспомните, за каким занятием вы обрубаете связь с реальностью и издаете странные булькающие, крякающие, нечеловеческие звуки (не, которые вырываются бесконтрольно)? Словили? Это и есть те самые ваши и только ваши действия.
Чем старше становлюсь, тем больше пытаюсь прокачать эту суперспособность обрубать каналы времени спереди и сзади и жить в моменте, жить в потоке, чувствовать, как время течет сквозь тебя и течь вместе с ним. Это подобно танцу, который ты танцуешь в экстазе, как экзальтированные дикие племена вокруг костра. Помню культовые вечеринки в петрозаводском в 90-х клубе «Дискосад», куда я сбегала, уложив маленького сына спать и танцевала на рейв-вечеринках до упаду, сливаясь с темнотой и модной молодежью. Меня никогда никто не снимал, не провожал, не приглашал проводить. Я была слишком стремная, не стильная и не модная, в отличие от всех, кто туда ходил. Но я ходила танцевать. Нон-стоп 4-5 часов до первого троллейбуса. Вот был поток. Больше таких вечеринок в моей жизни не было. А память счастья осталась.
Мне кажется, что и моя история похудений (не опять, а снова) – это мой поток, мое приключение. Мне даже результат не важен. Так ли интересно, похудею я или нет. Интересны те пути, которые я каждый раз изобретаю. И мне кажется, что в этом движении, в этом потоке я интересна не только сама себе, но и другим.

I loved to catch the moment in my childhood. Unsuccessfully. But I liked to chase after him. I thought: "Here, here it is, this moment. Oops. I have another. " I tried to stop, but only felt moments. Then I grew up and read a lot of clever books, including "The Power of Now" and "Flow." Both of them about рhow to live in the flow of the present, enjoy it and don't dwell on the past and the future . We are always live in our mind with grind old grudges and romantic memorizing, or plan next steps. But we never enjoyed the time is now. I drink coffee, I think about how I will go to meet with a partner. At a meeting with a partner, I think what I prepare for tomorrow girl’s party. On party I digress thinking that tomorrow I will do in the gym. In the gym I think when I will eat delicious next hour. And this happens the whole life - I never stay in place, I'm somewhere in the path of a time machine – within the past to the future.
I think that living in the present - is also trained as proper breathing and posture, as the habit of standing on one leg when you cook.
There is one thing that put me into the stream - it is writing. When I write, I'm here. Mom at home. I am in such a pleasure that I can even groaning and panting as during sex. Of course, you can say that not groan during sex. But I have already forgotten what sounds emit two animals during sex. So, do not blame me. Sex is so far away from me now.
In general, writing gives me pure physical pleasure. No matter result, rather, more important the process. Holding in the present is the happiness of my life. If you are asking yourself, what is my calling, what is my talent, remember, for how busy you chop touch with reality, and made a strange gurgling, quack, inhuman sounds (not to erupt uncontrollably)? This is clearly yours.
I am getting older and try to pump the Superpower chop time channels in front and behind and live in the moment, live in the stream, feel the time flowing through me and run with it. It is like a dance that you dance in ecstasy as exalted wild tribes around the campfire. I remember the coolest parties in Petrozavodsk in the 90 club "Diskosad" where I hanged out.
I have never has not been picked up, accompanied, dating. I was too dumb, not stylish and fashionable, like the rest Youngers. However, I went to dance. Non-stop 4-5 hours before the first trolley. That was a stream. Those parties were the best in my life. A happy memory remained.
It seems to me that my weight loss story (repeatedly) - this is my flow, my adventure. Even result is not important. No matter, I lose weight or not. Of interest are the ways in which every time I invent. And I think that in this movement, in this stream I is interesting not only for me but also for some of you.