Friday, February 10, 2017


The lady to the left is the Swedish minister of foreign affairs, Margot Wallström.
According to the newspaper Dagens Nyheter this morning has her Russian college Sergel Lavrov been rude to her.
They will meet again, in less than two weeks, when she is visits Moscow.
Margot is wondering why the mighty male presidents around the world seems to fear women most of all, as they are making laws about how women shall dress or that they have take the shit while getting beaten up by their husbands...

I had no time to tell the Swedish Minister about our blog, The ButterflyBattle, or the sisterhood Natasha and I have across the boarders. The most peace-keeping work: get to know each other, understand the daily struggle in our home countries.

According to the Swedish Military I should now fear the Russians.
In a few hours our island Gotland can be taken or the area are around Kiruna, not far away  from Luleå.

Margot doesn't like the annexation of Crimea. It's not good when it happens so close to Sweden.

My back is getting better. I'm fighting the calories, and realize I have fooled my self for a long time wishing food contains less energy as it actually does.
I use the app FatSecret and trying to resist too much food. I think about all the support from you readers when I feel tempted.

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